Wild Peacocks!

Those of you that had a chance to tour the community halls this weekend, might have noticed a very colourful muster (had to Google what a group of peacocks is called) of peacocks decorating the walls. The students in the school have an annual tradition of creating artwork for our community Winterfest and this year the theme for our artwork was peacocks.

The students had a lot of fun creating their peacocks and wanted to tell you a little more about their feathered friends. We hope you like them!

Have you ever seen a real peacock before?

9 thoughts on “Wild Peacocks!

  1. What wonderful peacocks! I love your use of colour and I enjoy the confident way that you speak to the camera. I have seen several wild peacocks in Jaipur, Northern India. In fact they, surprisingly, blend into the background on rocky outcrops. So someone will say, ” Can you see that peacock?” you might reply…”Where? … Oh there!” Tribal people think they are lucky and like to keep them around their camps. You also see white peacocks. In England they are something you see in the grounds of large houses.
    I wonder if you have Red breasted robins in your part of the world?

    Mr E

  2. Dear Erica,
    Thank you for the wonderful comment. I liked the peacocks too 🙂 What was your favourite peacock? I loved all the peacocks 🙂
    Your friend,

  3. Dear Mrs.Watson,
    Cool! Wonderful peacocks. I think we should try to make those at my new school. We made poppy`s last time in art. Tomarrow we are disecting fish. Today we were doing pottery.

    From Oceana

    • Dear Oceana,
      Thank you for another wonderful comment! It sure sounds like you are doing some very interesting things at your new school! I bet you are going to learn a lot when you dissect the fish. What type of fish will it be? What type of pottery did you make? I remember making pinch and coil pots when I was your age.

      Have a great fishy day tomorrow!
      Mrs. W

    • Dear Trista,
      I absolutely loved your peacocks and the great facts you made up about them. I thought they looked beautiful on the walls at the hall. I heard so many people comment on what a wonderful job all the students did. I wonder what the theme will be next year!

      Your friend,
      Mrs. W

  4. I really enjoyed the muster of peacocks adorning the hall at Winterfest! You all have such creative stories about each of your peacocks! Beautiful job everyone.

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