Snow! Snow! Snow!

The weather has been getting colder the last few days and the students have started to talk a lot about snow. We don’t get snow very often and so when we do it is very exciting! This morning we watched as slushy snow tried to fall on and off and then this afternoon the real flakes started. It was definitely too exciting to stay inside.

Tomorrow is a Professional Development day in our district and I know the students are all hoping that we will get more snow tonight!

Does it snow where you live?

What is your favourite activity to do in the snow?

34 thoughts on “Snow! Snow! Snow!

  1. Roadrunners think it’s early to see snow. It just turned cold enough here to frost last night. We had frost on the car /bus windows this morning. The sun was shining today but it was cool. We had to wear coats to play outside. But no snow here.
    We are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving next week so we have been busy learning about the Pilgrims and Native Americans/Indians. Did you know that they used fish in the holes as fertilizer when they planted things. There probably weren’t turkeys at the first Thanksgiving like we eat today. They ate deer and shellfish, corn, and cranberries. The pilgrims came on a ship the Mayflower to America. It was winter and cold. They were crowded on a ship and couldn’t take baths and wash their clothes. They had to use a chamber pot because there weren’t restrooms on the ship. They had chores to do in America. They slept on the slip while they built their homes. The Indians watched them then they had the celebrations and ate together.

  2. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3
    Wow, within just two weeks we had snow in the southern hemisphere in New Zealand and you had snow in the northern hemisphere in Canada! What a crazy world.
    I hope it snowed again for you the next day!
    Did you have enough snow to make snowmen?

    from Mrs McKenzie

  3. We’ve just had back to bak cold winters. This year we are having a rather warm November with temperatures around 10c. We did have one frost at night. Very often we just have grey and damp weather, however I am just out to walk around the village green and it’s quite pleasant and dry! Of course all the children want snow, but it will not happen before January, if then. I can’t believe that your little island doesn’t get snow every year!

    Mr E

  4. Dear Mrs. Watson’s 2/3,

    Well, I’m very happy for you that you got some snow since you don’t get it that often, however, we get too much of it so I’m not looking forward to getting some here! Last year we missed about 8 days because of snow so we had to go much later into the summer. I’d prefer the warm weather!

    I hope all of you had lots of fun in the snow though. Do you ever get enough snow to be able to build snowmen or snow forts? That was my favorite thing to do when I was young.

    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

    Mr. Avery

  5. Dear Mrs.Watson,
    Its me Oceana. My favourite activity is making a snowman. Gaige was in souintula the other day. Gramma told me.
    From, your old friend Oceana

    • Dear Oceana,
      You just made my day! I have been wondering how you have been doing and I was so excited to see comments from you on our blog 🙂 I know the other students will be excited too. Were you up visiting this weekend? How are things going in your school? Does your class have a blog we can visit? Everything is great here. Things are getting busier for everyone with Christmas sneaking up quickly. I hope you will write us more.

      Your friend,
      Mrs. W 🙂

    • Dear Oceana,
      Thank you for leaving us another comment! I love making snowmen too. I think making snow forts is fun as well. Have you had snow down island yet? I am sad to hear that Gaige was here and I didn’t get to see him. If you happen to talk to him, please tell him that I say hello and would love to hear from him.

      Your friend,
      Mrs. W 🙂

  6. Hi Mrs Watston,
    I am a student from St.Damian’s Bundoora, Melbourne Australia. I am in Grade 3 aswell as some of you. No, it has’nt snowed this year in Melbourne but itis cold. I don’t hink we are going to have a very nice Christmas.

    • Dear Olivia,
      Thank you for your comment! We were wondering why you think it won’t be nice for Christmas. Is it because the weather will be colder than normal? Here we always wish for a white Christmas, but that doesn’t happen very often at all.

      Mrs. W

    • Hi Mrs Watson.
      I looked at your reply and the reason I don’t think we wil be having a very nice christmas is becuse it is colder than normal and in Australia it’s Summer in Christmas and it been really cold all year,.


    • Dear Dylan,
      Thank you for your comment. I am sure it is very beautiful in Melbourne, even if it doesn’t snow. Have you ever seen snow before? None of us have ever been to Australia, but we would all like to visit there some day.

      Mrs. W

  7. Dear Mrs Watson and Grade 2/3,
    I am Samuel S from Class 3M at St Damian’s Primary School, Melbourne Australia. We do not get snow in Melbourne at this time of year, but we do get it in winter in the hills. We are heading into our summer season. It was great to see how the snow starts to fall. I have never sen snow an I wish I could be there to play in the snow with you and the class.
    Samuel S.

    • Dear Samuel,
      We loved reading your comment today and we all wished that you could come play with us on a snowy day. We could make snowmen and go sliding down our little hill. We would also like to come and see what it is like in Australia!

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

      • Hi Mrs Watson and 2/3,
        I wish I could come and play with you and make snowmen for the first time of my life.
        If you and your class come to Melbourne, Australia my family and I would love to show you the sites.

        Your friend
        Samuel S

  8. hi mrs watson,
    I’m fron Australia, Melbourn and it dose not snow here.
    I am in a grade 3 class.
    i love your blog.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Hi Leah,
      Thank you for visiting our blog and for leaving such a nice comment. Have you ever visiting a spot where there is snow? We don’t get snow very often here.

      Grade 3 is a pretty great year! How many students are in your class and school? What are you learning about right now?

      Looking forward to your next comment!

      Mrs. W

  9. Hi Mrs Waston,
    I am from Melbourne, Australia. Your blog is really cool. I like all the vidoes especially the one about snow. You are lucky it snows where you live even though you don’t get much, it doesn’t even snow in most Australian cities only in the mountains.
    From Luke. 😀

    • Dear Luke,
      Thank you for leaving us such a great comment! We are so glad that you like the videos. We like watching videos of students at other schools too. Do you ever get to go to the mountains to play in the snow? How far away are the mountains from where you live?

      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  10. Hi Mrs Watson and the 2/3s,
    I have been to the mountains once when I was younger. The smaller mountains are about two hours drive but the larger mountains are about a four hour drive. I hope you have a great snowy Christmas.
    From Luke. 😀

    • Dear Luke,
      We have to take a ferry and then drive about an our to get to a mountain big enough for skiing and snowboarding. Several of the students in our class go there on the weekends with their families. Do people ski and snowboard on your mountains?

      Mrs. W

  11. Dear Mrs.Watson, I live in Michigan and we actually had snow a couple of times! The snow we got did not accumalate but it was weird but cool at the same time! Right now in Michigan it gets dark outside at 5:30p.m. ! I think it is pretty crazy that this happened! I can’t get over how much I can’t wait for it to be 1 foot of snow!


    Nick A. , A Techie Kid

    • Dear Nick,
      Wow, how lucky that you have already had snow a couple of times this year! It is too bad that it did not stick around though. It is getting dark earlier and earlier here too. That is my least favourite part of this time of year. One good thing about it being dark early is that on clear nights the students are still awake to see the stars. We are studying constellations right now.

      I hope we both get snow soon!
      Mrs. W

  12. Dear Mrs.Watson,

    That is really exciting to get snow where you live! I live in Michigan, so we get a lot of snow here! I’m amazed that you don’t get a lot of snow where you live! I mean, you should get a lot of snow because you live closer to the North Pole! Why don’t you get as much snow?

    Techie Kids

    • Dear Kora,
      The students were very jealous that you live in a place where you get a lot of snow. Many people think that we must get a lot of snow where we live but it just doesn’t get cold enough. I think it also has a lot to do with the fact that we live on an island and where it is located. What is your favourite snow activity?

      Mrs. W

    • Dear Trista,
      I was very excited when it started to snow too. I think I really am a big kid. Hopefully we will get enough snow to play in this winter. I love building snowmen!

      Your friend,
      Mrs. W

  13. Hi Mrs Watson and 2/3 class,
    I am a student at St Damian’s Primary school in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
    I really like the video with all the children playing and singing in the snow.
    It snows in some areas of Victoria but not where I live.
    I’d like to ski and make snow angels in the snow.
    From Mikayla 🙂

    • Dear Mikayla,
      Thank you so much for leaving us such a great comment! Have you played in the snow before. Many of the students in our class like to go skiing or snowboards. We have a ski mountain a 30 minute ferry ride and hour drive away. In the intermediate grades (4-7) the students get to go skiing twice a year with their class. Making snow angels is a lot of fun too!

      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  14. What a fun time you all had! Loved the singing too. Have you been watching the snowline getting lower and lower on the mountains every day? Our family has been watching and dreaming of snowboarding, skiing, and snowshoeing on Mt. Cain.

  15. Hello Mrs Watson and your class,

    My name is Mrs Wise and I am a grade three teacher in Melbourne Australia. For my grade’s homework last week, the children had to find a new blog to look at and judging from some of the comments above, a lot chose yours! You have an excellent blog and it looks like it has been going for a while. We started ours this year and therefore are still working on it! We would love for you to check it out and let us know what you think! The address is

    Thanks for taking the time to comment on my children’s comments as I know they are all excited to think they now have friends over the other side of the world!

    Thanks again,
    Mrs Wise and 3M

  16. Hi Mrs Watson,

    I’m from Melbourne Australia and my school is called St Damians and it hasn’t even snowed once this year here.
    How many times has it snowed there?
    From Joshua

  17. Hi Mrs Waston,
    I saw your reply. I have’t played in the sonw before. Well I think it will be fun making snow angels and going skiing. can you please tell me how fun it was going skiing.

  18. Dear Mrs.Watson’s class,

    My city has been geting some snow the last cuple of days. Have you had a lot of snow where you are so far? Yesterday I had some snow on my lawn. Do you want to have a snow day?

    a Tekie Kid

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