Bike Day

Today was Bike Day and it sure was a lot of fun! At recess our bikes got judged and we rode up and down the road. At lunch we had a bunch of different contests. There was an obstacle course, a slow race, and a beanbag toss. We also did a colouring contest.

Here are a few of our favourite things about Bike Day:
Sophie-My favourite part of Bike Day was decorating my bike.
Trista-My favourite thing was the game where you rode your bike and threw a beanbag in a box.
Karin-My favourite part of Bike Day was when we got to colour the colouring contest.
Lily-My favourite part of Bike Day was getting a new bell for my bike and a horn.
Kennedy-My favourite part of Bike Day was all the activities.
Solomon-My favourite part of Bike Day was doing the obstacle course and when I won a prize.
Sharon-My favourite part of Bike Day was riding my bike to school.
Ana-My favourite thing about Bike Day was being Captain Christmas.
Gwen-My favourite part of Bike Day was when we all went on a bike ride.
Jacob-I liked watching Charlize ride her bike.
Bradley-I liked the decorated bikes.

16 thoughts on “Bike Day

  1. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3
    We looked at your post on Friday before assembly but ran out of time to leave a comment then.
    Your bikes reminded us of how we decorate our bikes for Pets day (which is coming up again in November)

    Your contests must have been a lot of fun.
    We thought it would take a lot of bike control to do a slow race and the obstacle course.

    Do many of you usually ride your bikes to school each day?
    Some of the B4 children do, but in New Zealand the recommendation is that children should not ride on the road alone until they are about 10.
    Do you think that is a fair idea?

    from Mrs McKenzie and B4

    • Dear Mrs. McKenzie and B4
      Thank you for leaving us another magnificent comment. The grade 3’s remember reading about Pet Day last year and the grade 2’s can’t wait to find out about it from you.

      The obstacle course was tricky because you had to go through some cones and they got closer and closer together. The slow race was very tricky. It was hard to stay in control. If your feet touched the ground you were disqualified. We thought it was cool seeing all the decorated bikes.

      We talked a lot about your bike recommendation and tried to think about why you have it. Some of the ideas we came up with were:
      Could you tell us why you have this recommendation? Most kids in our class were allowed to ride to school by themselves at about 6 or 7. We have some students who started at 5 and some who haven’t yet. Our town is very small and there isn’t very much traffic. Some of us think your recommendation is fair and others don’t, but we have trouble deciding without knowing more about it.

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  2. Dear Mrs W and grade 2/3
    I think the reason why it’s recommended that children don’t ride alone on the road before age 10 is that they just don’t have enough traffic sense until that age.
    They might know how to ride a bike but riding AND obeying road rules AND watching out for traffic takes a lot of co-ordinating!

    Here is a link about safe cycling for children.

    I think in smaller places (like Sointula and Reefton) it’s easier for children to practice on the road safely!

    from Mrs Mckenzie

  3. I also meant to tell you – always wear your helmets! When my daughter was 8 she went over the handle bars of her bike and her helmet smashed but her head was absolutely fine!
    We were more than happy to have to buy a new helmet that day!

    Mrs McKenzie

    • Dear Mrs. McKenzie,
      We talked a lot about your comment and we agree about there being a lot to think about beyond just riding. We were also really glad that your daughter had her helmet on. Everyone in our class always wears their helmets. It is the law here. Is it a law in New Zealand too? Thanks for the link as well. It has great tips for staying safe!

      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  4. Hello Mrs W and the 2/3’s
    I love the idea of a bike day and you have given me some good ideas here!
    In our class we have been following a blog of two cyclists cycling from NZ to the UK – at the moment they are in Mongolia! We have been following their adventures and plotting where they are on our world map. ( They are raising money to build a school in South East Asia, and we have made some donations. When they reach the UK, we are going to have a bike day to celebrate – and now I can build in some of your ideas, too! I like the idea of a slow bike race and I definitely like the idea of dressing up and decorating your bikes! Well done you guys, it looks like you had lots and lots of fun! Are you going to do this every year?
    In the UK, a lot of schools do ‘cycling proficiency’ for Y6 children, and children have to pass a test on riding their bikes safely and responsibly on the roads. Do you have anything similar?
    Mrs M and A Room with a View

    • Dear Mrs. Monaghan,
      Thankyou so much for the wonderful comment 🙂
      I love the idea of bike day too!!! I think it is so cool that you follow cyclists from NZ to the Uk. I’ve herd about Mongolia before. Cool a new school! We do do bike day every year.


  5. Dear Mrs. Watson and the 2/3’s,

    Hello, we are Mrs. Moore’s 2nd grade Techie Kids. We loved your video about Bike Day. Sydney would like to ask our principal if we could have a bike day too. Aidan liked the idea of the contests. Jaden liked the idea of decorating the bikes. We think your school must be pretty fun.

    There are 26 students in this class. We meet with Mrs. Moore on Tuesday. How many students are in your class? Shamiya said that your Bike Day reminded her of our Field Day. Do you have a Field Day? Erin also wondered if you have had a pajama day.

    Mrs. Moore’s 2nd Grade Techie Kids

    • Dear Mrs Moore
      That is a good idae to ask your principal if you can have a bike day:).
      Our school is pretty fun.
      In are class we have 13 students in our class.

      Your friend,

  6. Dear Mrs. Watson and the 2/3s,

    I love the idea of a bike day! The only problem is, it’s been so long since I’ve ridden a bike, I have a feeling I would fall off. What do you think? Do you think I’d be able to remember how to ride it?

    It looks like you all had so much fun! I enjoyed watching your video!

    Mr. Avery

    • Dear Mr. Avery,
      Thank you for the hilarious comment! We think you will remember how to ride even if it has been a long time. We think you should wear your helmet and maybe even bubble wrap!

      Stay safe!
      Mrs. W and the 2/3 Safety Patrol

  7. Dear Mrs.Watson and the 2/3’s,

    The best helmet that I liked was the one with the balloons! She must of felt funny.

    Brianna a techie kid

  8. Dear Mrs.Watson and the 2/3 class,

    Thank you for ansering me. We do seson projecs in my class.Such as falling leafs,sorting stuffed animals in scince by common charicteristics.

    Your friend, a techie kid Jordan

    • Dear Jordan,
      Thank you for writing us back too! We try really hard to reply to our comments 🙂 THe seasonal projects you do at your school sound like a lot of fun! What kinds of trees do you have where you live? We have a lot of evergreens which don’t lose their leaves and many of our other trees don’t put on that great of a “fall show”.

      Have a great weekend!
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  9. Dear Mrs.Watson and the 2/3’s,

    I love the bike day video because of the colorful helmets and the awesome bikes. I didn’t know that onthe pistachio monsters you would reply back because that was my first time typing a message. I would like to know what you are going to next but i’m not trying to be pushy.

    a techie kid Brianna!

    • Dear Brianna,
      We were excited to see another great comment from you today when we checked our blog! Asking questions is never pushy…we love questions! Today in art we made witches and we will post pictures of them early next week. They were a lot of fun.

      Do you have a Bike Day or anything similar to that at your school?

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

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