Measurement Fun

Today we started a new unit in math. Our measurement unit began with exploration of non-standard measurement. After we got into partners, we had to choose what we were going to measure and what unit we would use. Then we made an estimate and measured to see how close we had gotten. We found a lot of fun things to measure (even Mrs. Watson)!

Can you think of a time that you used non-standard measurement?

10 thoughts on “Measurement Fun

  1. Dear Mrs. Watson and the non-standard measurers,

    You did a great job. It’s always fun to estimate and then see how close you came after. We just had a family math night and the with the station I worked at, we estimated and then measured to see how far we could throw a javelin (plastic straw) and shotput (cotton ball). It was a lot of fun. Some students came very close with their estimates!

    I love following your blog. You always have so many great and interesting ideas. If you do more math movies, you should add them to our student math movie wiki –

    Mr. Avery

    • Dear Mr. Avery,

      Yes, it is fun to measure. We are going to do the same thing in studunt led confrences that you did at family math night. Tomorow we are going to do art so you might want to cheak out the blog on Monday.


      P.S. If you want to check out my blog go to

    • Dear Mr. Avery,
      It is always so nice to see comments from you! We liked your family math station idea so much that we are going to do the same thing during our student-led conferences next week. I wonder how close we will get to our estimates.

      It is so great being able to share ideas with each other!

      Mrs. W and the non-standard measurers 🙂

  2. Dear Mrs. Watson & class,

    It looks like you all had great fun measuring each other with different non-standard units. It was a really clever idea to use paint brushes, I will have to remember to use that with my grade 2 class next year! During the winter olympics last year my students learned about measuring when we had a math olympics day. One of the activities was to measure how far the little lego man could get when he slid down a ramp on his mini luge. My students used popsicle sticks to do their measuring.
    I love following your blog, you have inspired me to create a class blog of my own when I return to my classroom next September.


    Mme Sekerak
    Ontario, Canada

    • Dear Mme Sekerak,
      Thank you so much for following our blog and for leaving us a comment. We love making new friends! I hope that we can visit your class’ blog when you get it started next year.

      You certainly got a reaction from my students when you mentioned Lego men. We have several Lego fans in our classroom! What a great activity. You also gave everyone a great idea for another object to measure with.

      Looking forward to getting to know your class next year,

      Mrs. W

  3. Dear Mr.Every,
    Thank you for leaving us a comment! And a family math night sounds like fun! We have been having fun measuring. Today we even got to measure the covered area! Then we walked around the whole field, to see how many meters is was.

    Your blogging friend, Oceana

  4. Dear Mme Sekerak
    Thank you for leaving us a comment! Today we went around the whole field and found out how many meters it was. Before that we measured the covered area!
    After the field we we went out for recess. We love measuring! I have a question about the lego. Were did the lego come from? Blogs are really cool. You can put videos, posts, and every thing you want on it! Is that cool, or what?

    Your new pal,Oceana

  5. Dear Mrs. Watson and class,

    I loved doing the non standard meserment. I hope the rest of the class liked it to. When I did it I kind of got frustrated.

    Your student Justin

  6. Hi!
    This is Liam. and a couple of weeks ago we were doing measuring too. We were doing standard and non-standard units just like you. And yes, I can think of a time that I used a non-standard unit when I measured the carpet with my foot. What standard tool do you use to measure stuff.


  7. Dear Liam,

    Well we use all sorts of stuff to measure with we used paper clips, books, paint brushs, pencils, eraces, and glue sticks, thats it but I think that we might have used some other stuff. We use cm and m .
    P.S. I have a blog if you want to visit it go to .

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