Spring Daisies

Spring is definitely in the air in our classroom and in our community.  After a beautiful sunny day on Thursday, we were all inspired to add a touch of spring to our hallways. We had a wonderful time creating fields of daisies. The students did such a fantastic job that you could almost smell the flowers in the classroom. We hope you enjoy our paintings!

The idea for this art lesson came from Kids Artists, a great blog with fantastic ideas.

Have you noticed any signs of spring where you live?

15 thoughts on “Spring Daisies

  1. Looking at your fantastic daisy pictures really cheered me up this morning… today is the first day of our Easter holiday and the weather here in England has turned from sunshine to rain today! It looks like you had a good time mixing lots of spring shades and exploring different ways of mark making. You can see some Yorkshire signs of spring if you visit The Class Around the Corner- Middleham, England. The children in my class enjoy art as much as you obviously do! Keep looking and creating!

    • Dear Mrs. E,
      Thank you so much for visiting our blog again and for leaving us such a lovely comment. Our spring weather turned to rain today as well (we do get quite a bit of rain regularly though). We visited your blog this morning and left a comment on your Easter craft post. We thought your eggs were magnificent and couldn’t get over how cute the chickens were. We would like to make some of our own before Easter.

      Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  2. As always your art work is a joy. Such vibrant colours! I saw my first daisy here last week! Spring is moving on a pace. My wife and I both very much thank you for signposting ‘kids artists’ website… splendid. We both have links to your blog, because you guys do many exciting things and so very skillfully. On my wife’s class blog http://www.middlehampri1.posterous.com they have also just posted an item about Easter/Spring! It is their first photopeach, done solo.
    What are the next signs of change that you will see? I think you may be based on an island? Is fishing season open?
    Do you have oak trees in Canada? What is the most beautiful tree you have locally and when does it look its best?

    Take care artistic youngsters!

    Mr E

    • Dear Mr. E,
      It is always so wonderful to see your comments on our blog. We feel like we know you and smile when we see your name and read your encouraging words! We loved Mrs. E’ post about Easter and spring. We will definitely be decorating some eggs of our own before Easter. We thought their first photopeach was great!

      We are starting to notice flowers blooming and buds on the trees. We are also noticing that the days are getting longer and that we don’t have to dress as warmly every day.

      We do live on an island and fishing season is approaching. Commercial prawning will open in the next month and the salmon fishery will follow after that. Many of us have fisherman in our families.

      We do have oak trees in Canada. Sahara has an oak tree in her yard. We also have a few Maple trees and a lot of alder trees. As well, there are many evergreen trees on our island. We had trouble deciding which tree is the most beautiful. We do have a fantastic horse chestnut tree in front of our school that drops very cool looking nuts each year. Click here to see what they look like. What types of trees do you have in you area?

      Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  3. What beautiful pictures you have made. I love daisies. We don’t see many daisies in Beijing except in the big flower markets where you can buy them for a bouquet.

    The background from Animoto is just perfect for your flowers.

    It is Spring here with flowers out all over. We have a lot of forsythia and lilacs. The air smells wonderful.

    We will check out the Kids Artists blog. We always need ideas.

    Happy Spring

    Ms. Davis and Year 4A

  4. Mrs Watson, what marvellous pictures your class have produced. Mrs E told me to have a look at your blog, to see what you’re up to and it was lovely to see children the world over, enjoying their art lessons. In England, we make daisy chains to wear like necklaces. Do you do the same? regards
    Mrs Bell from Middleham School

  5. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3
    I think your daisy art works are lovely.
    Some of the daisies looked so real I wanted to reach out and feel the petals, and others had amazing perspective and the fields looked as though they went on for ever!

    The conversation about trees is interesting also. Our school has some oak trees lining one street, and in our school yard there is a big chestnut tree that is dropping conkers at the moment. And because it is autumn here, the leaves are beginning to turn colour and fall.
    In our local environment we have lots of birch trees, and some pine plantations as well.
    One of the hillsides at the back of town is sprinkled with rhododendron trees (which originate from the Himalayan regions) and it looks lovely when they are in flower.

    Some people here also grow variants of maple trees, and they have beautiful leaves.
    It would be very hard to pick a favourite tree!

    Are you allowed to climb the trees at school? We aren’t!

    from Mrs McKenzie

  6. Dear Mrs.Watson,

    I loved all of your art work . They were awesome and it takes a lot of good imagination to paint such good art work. I have seen flowers springing up everywhere and more people outside.

    Savannah 🙂 😉 😀
    Techie Kids

  7. Dear Mrs. Watson and the 2/3’s,

    We saw your artwork and we thought it was marvelous! We liked how you had some flowers that were big and others that were little. Where we live, there are flowers starting to bud. The temperature is getting warmer. The snow has finally melted. Tess even has some daffodils that have bloomed!

    Our class has started to read and practice the poem The Two Mice in our You Read to Me, I’ll Read to You book. Would you like to practice it too? Then we can read it together on Skype!

    We want to learn more about you. Here are some things that we were wondering about.
    Do you go on lots of field trips? (Autumn)
    We wonder what the weather is like compared to us. (Anna)
    Do you have any flowers blooming? (Amir)

    Your techie buddies,
    The 2nd Grade Techie Kids
    (and Mrs. Moore 🙂 )

    • Dear Techie Kids,
      Thanks so much for your fantastic comment! We haven’t had any snow on the ground here for a long time. It did try to snow for a minute or two early this morning though! Luckily, it ddn’t last long. Some of us have daffodils blooming too.

      We love our book and we’ll definitely get practicing The Two Mice so that we can be ready for our next Skype call. We have read many of the stories with the grade 2’s reading one part and the grade 3’s reading the other. They are so much fun!

      @Autumn, we don’t get to go on too many field trips. Earlier this year we went to the Quatse Fish Hatchery and recently we all went to the Regional Science Fair. The whole school went skating in December and next month we will go swimming several times. For skating and swimming we have to take the ferry to the next town. Do you go on many field trips?

      @Anna, we live in a temperate rainforest and so our temperatures all year are fairly mild and we do get a fair bit of rain. Here are a few weather facts for the last year:
      Max Temp: 28.7 °C

      Max Temp.Date: Aug.15 2010

      Min temp: -8.1 °C

      Min Temp. Date: Feb.25 2011

      Precip Accumulation: 2064.7 mm

      What is the weather like there?

      @Amir we definitely have flowers blooming. Like you, we have seen some daffodils and a lot of the flowering fruit trees are in bloom too.

      What super questions! We will pop over to your blog tomorrow and ask some of the things we are wondering 🙂

      Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

      • Dear 2/3’s,

        You have given us an awesome response! The 2nd graders will be sure to read and respond on Tuesday. We forgot to mention that the Techie Kids have started practicing the purple side of the text. Perhaps you could practice the pink side. Does that sound okay to you?

        I have found a website called, The Temperate Rainforest to share with my students. Do you think this would be a good reflection of what the 2/3’s see? We could take a look at these photos and see what it is like near you.

        Your learning buddy,
        Mrs. Moore

        • Dear Mrs. Watson and 2/3’s,

          Thank you for replying to us! Lucie helped us understand what a ferry is. She told us it is a boat that can take you places. It can also have a place for cars. We went to Wolcott Farm. At the farm, we went on a nature hunt and looked at animals. We went to the movies too. Our whole school saw Yogi Bear in 3D. Our class is also going to visit our Pen Pals, a gardening store, and the Big Stone School. It seems like this class does have a lot of field trips!

          We noticed that you read the temperature in Celsius and we read it in Fahrenheit. Our 4th graders continued this investigation by practicing different search strategies and checking to make sure the data is consistent and makes sense. Here is the data we found.

          Our Average Precipitation is 31.7 inches

          Average High Temperature- 81 Fahrenheit (27.2 Celsius)

          Average Low Temperature 17 Fahrenheit (-8.3 Celsius)

          We noticed that we have much less rainfall than you. That makes sense because you live in a rainforest!

          Thank you for sharing your learning with us!

          Your buddies,
          The 2nd and 4th grade Techie Kids

  8. Dear Mrs.Watson,

    Yes, i am seeing some changes that show that spring is coming! One thing is that the flowers my mom planted are starting to grow back.(they died from winter).Do you have a garden? If so are they growing?

    Your Pal,
    Ciyah Techie Kids

  9. Dear Mrs.Watson and class,

    I liked your Spring Daisies video! My favorite flower is the white daisy. I can see some changes to Spring because the snow is gone and it’s getting warmer outside. So it’s already Spring! It’s been Spring for one or two weeks now.Well got to go now , bye!

    ‘P.S.I like how you like our website.’

    Your Pal,
    Caitlyn Techie Kids

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