Fire Safety

Every year members of our volunteer fire department visit the school to talk to us about fire safety. We talked about what to do if there was a fire in our house, having more than one way to get out of each room, having a meeting place, calling for help once we are out safely, and things we can do to prevent fires. We also got to see all the different things the firefighters put on to keep them safe when fighting fires and then we got to go outside and see the firetruck.

Fire Department Visit on PhotoPeach
We would like to thank Jake, Yvonne, and Clement for coming to the school today and we would also like to thank all the volunteer firefighters who help to keep our town safe.

3 thoughts on “Fire Safety

  1. Hello Mrs. Watson’s K/1/2/3 Class,

    One of the best ways of dealing with a fire in the home is to be prepared. Having an escape plan is important, so is practising the plan. No one’s life is worth the risk of staying in a house to try and put out a fire. We all have much for which to thank our firefighters. With summer approaching here, our community firefighters and volunteer bush firefighters are prepared just in case.

    The Photopeach of the firefighters visit shows you were able to learn many things. Well done everyone, including your visitors. 🙂

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. Dear Mr. Mannell,
    Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments you leave us! Firefighters are definitely very special people. Do they get called out very often in your area? Thankfully, we do not have very many fires here at all.

    Mrs. Watson and the K/1/2/3s

    • Dear Mrs. Watson and the K/1/2/3s,

      I noticed this as I was logging off for the evening after making a complex post. It’s after 2:30 a.m. here.

      Our community firefighters are called out if there is a house fire or the police need help at a car accident. They not only extinguish fires, they also carry out rescues of trapped people.

      Our bushfire fighters’ role in cool months is to carry out controlled burn offs in national parks and on private land. They hope to reduce the chance of very big fires by clearing some of the undergrowth and leaf litter. Some local people complain of the smoke in the air when burn offs happen but they would be much more worried if there was a large fire approaching town.

      In summer, many areas of Australia can face extreme fire conditions. In Queensland there has already been a serious fire whipped up by heat and strong winds. Locally, only last week lightning started a blaze but our bushfire fighters were able to get it under control. Our danger is coming soon as we approach summer. Bushfire fighters are on the alert to respond quickly. Many volunteer to travel and fight bug fires in other areas when there is a need. We have to admire them for their efforts.

      Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

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