A Visit to the Post Office and Special Hellos!

Today we packaged up our letters to Japan and set off for the post office. Linda looked surprised to see so many people filing into the building!

Linda explained that our envelope would be loaded on the mail truck tomorrow morning and would travel to Port McNeill on the ferry. From Port McNeill our letters would head down island to Nanaimo in another truck and then would travel on the big ferry to Vancouver. Next, they would be loaded on a plane at Vancouver Airport for the long flight to Tokyo, Japan. We all wonder how long our letters will take to arrive at Christian Academy in Japan.

We thought it would be fun to make a short video for our friends in Japan so that they will be able to put faces to the names on the letters they receive.

Skyping with Mrs. Hino’s Class

On Thursday evening we came back to school after supper so that we could Skype with our friends in Mrs. Hino’s class. It was 6:45 pm on Thursday here in British Columbia and it was 10:45 am Friday morning in Tokyo. Almost all of the students in our class came back for the call and many of them brought their parents along too.

Both classes were very excited about getting to chat with each other live. Even though we live so far apart we found out that we have a lot in common with each other. Students in both classes enjoy playing soccer, basketball, and baseball. We also like to play on the bars outside and ride scooters in the gym. Bike riding was another activity that students in both classes were very excited about.


Even though we have a lot in common and enjoy many of the same things, we found out that there were also some pretty big differences too:

  • There are 14 students in our class and there are 21 students in Mrs. Hino’s class
  • There are 49 students in our K-7 school and there are over 400 students in the K-12 school our friends attend
  • A.J. Elliott only has 3 classrooms and our friends have too many to count!
  • The students in Mrs. Hino’s class have special teachers for art, music, PE, and Japanese
  • Our town has a population of  about 700 and Higashikurume has a population of 116,000
  • The tallest building in our town is 2 stories.  Their school is 3 stories tall and they have many very tall buildings in their city.

We can’t wait to work with Mrs. Hino and her students on a collaborative project.  We are thinking that we might write stories together soon.

Thanks again for a wonderful call.  It was great to get to know you better!