Welcome Back!

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We all had a wonderful summer and are very excited to be back at school!

This year our class make-up is a little different.  4 mornings a week we will be a 2/3/4 class and on Mondays and in the afternoons we will be a K/1/2/3 class.  Having 3 divisions four mornings a week allows the students to have smaller class sizes for language arts and math.  Today the grade 4s had a fantastic afternoon in the intermediate class and it was great having the K/1s join us.

Another change this year is that Mrs. Watson and Ms. Nesbitt will be sharing the teaching of the primary students.  Mrs. Watson will teach the 2/3/4s in the mornings and the K/1/2/3s on Mondays.  Ms. Nesbitt will be teaching the K/1s in the mornings and the K/1/2/3s Tuesday to Friday afternoons (It sounds much more confusing in writing than it actually is 🙂 ).

We hope you will check in on us often and be a part of the learning in our classroom! We love to read your comments!

What are you most looking forward to this year?

For our adult visitors, do you have a favourite school memory?

13 thoughts on “Welcome Back!

  1. Hello K/1/2/3 and sometimes 4 class! Welcome back!
    I am very excited to follow your learning adventures this year. I am also in school and I get to use an IPad! I may need some tips from you.

    • Dear Lara,
      Thanks for the comment! We would love to give you some iPad tips or help if you need it. What are you learning at school and what kind of equipment are you using? Do you have any iPad questions yet?

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3/4s

  2. Dear Mrs. Watson’s Class,
    I had a fun first day. I think big school is better than preschool. I want to make lots of new friends this year. I like when we play centers with Ms Nesbitt. I also like when we go outside for recess. I am looking forward to riding the bus next week.


    • Dear Sierra,
      I love big school too. I love it that you get to do centers with Ms Nesbitt I bet it is brilliant. I hope you had lots of fun riding on the school bus.

  3. Hello there! What a great blog you have here! I am a Year 3/4 teacher in Gloucester in the UK. My class are about to learn about Canada this term, and it would be fantastic to make links with a class in Canada. Do you think we would be able to share some knowledge with each other, maybe check out each others blogs?

    • Dear Mrs. Nicholls,
      Thank you for visiting our blog and leaving us a comment. We would love to connect with your class as you learn about Canada. We love making friends from around the world! If you give us your blog address we will stop by and check it out. We wonder what your school is like.

      Mrs. W and the K/1/2/3/4s

  4. Dear Class,
    I missed School a lot. When we are allowed on our blogs I’m going to make a post called…
    Back in Bisniss.
    I’m gonna make a lot of new posts a lot I say.

    From your Classmate,

    • Dear Jacob,
      I missed school to but what does back in bisniss even mean? Wait let me guess does it mean back in school i just guessing.


  5. Dear Class,
    I missed school a lot because I missed learning stuff. I also missed my friends,but at least were back in school again. Are you glad were back in school again.
    School is AWESOME. Do you think school is awesome?

    P.s I love reading!

  6. Dear Class,
    I love school as well as Merissa. My favourite part of school is math class. What is your favourite part of school? I like my math class because when it is my kind of math. I hope your time at school is good so far. I think the K’s are settling in quite well. I think they are having a good time at A.J. Have a good time at school!

    Your Friend,

  7. Hello Class k,1,2,3, 4
    It does sound confusing to be with 2 different teachers on different days but it’s happening in many schools that groups are combined in different ways. How many of you are there at one time?

    This year I’m teaching in a totally different environment than previous years. I have all grades now k-5 (which is 5-10 year olds) for Global Studies/Technology classes 40 minutes. Each day I have one fifth, fourth, second, first and third grade class and 2 kindergarten classes. Then the next day it’s different children but the same age groups. So by the end of the week I see 820 students. That’s a little different from my group of 20/21 2nd graders the last few years.

    I hope to continue following your blog and perhaps you’d like to visit ours as we get going. So far we don’t have a lot of projects but we are starting some this week. Check back about those.

    Can you tell us some things about your school? See our blog site for types of things. We are looking for location and differences/similarities in classes/schools.

  8. Dear, ms Watson and class

    Yes i do have a favorite school memory . Me and my 2 best frends Brookln and Kaidence . We both love to sing and the talant show was coming up. So we said lets be in the the talant show. and we did we. had lots of fun. and we sang trouble by Taylor swift .

    from Riley

  9. Hi Mrs Watson and lucky students to be in her class,
    I sure miss visiting your school. My favourite memory is reading to and singing with you on the Literacy Bus.
    It looks like you are going to have a great year. If you are interested I would love to maybe do a skype storytime visit with you.
    Mrs Neilson

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