Button Blankets

This term during First Nations studies we have been learning all about First Nations art.

We began by looking at examples of the different shapes found in First Nations art and then we practiced drawing them ourselves. We found out that it is a lot harder to draw the basic shapes than it looks! We drew ovoids, U-forms, split U-forms, and eyes. In our first art project we used the elements found in First Nations art to make abstract designs.

After lots of practice we were ready to start work on our own button blankets. Mr. Child (the District Principle of First Nations Education) told us that we could choose any design that really spoke to us or had special significance to us. We put a lot of thought into choosing the animals that would appear on our blankets.

Once we picked our animal, we drew our design on paper and then used the paper pieces as templates for cutting out the felt. We chose our colours and started sewing. Thankfully, several parents came along to help us with threading needles and finishing off buttons.
Our Button Blankets on PhotoPeach
We hope you like them!

6 thoughts on “Button Blankets

  1. Dear Mrs. Watson,
    WOW, I really love these button blankets. They are amazing.
    I really like how you used lots of different shapes. I can see that you all put a lot of effort into your work and creativity.
    The colours you used worked well together, and I hope you all are very proud of yourself!
    How long did it take each of you to make the button blankets?
    From your pal in room 24,


  2. Dear Mrs Watson and class

    These blankets are so beautiful and I know everyone had such a wonderful time with this spectacular project.
    You all did a wonderful job!


    • Dear Cathy,
      Thank you for the comment. I am flattered that you liked our button blankets. Which one did you like best? You can go on to the Aboriginal day post to see what they were made into.

      From Lily in Mrs. Watson’s 2/3 class

  3. Hello Mrs. Watson’s 2/3 Class,

    I think your Button Blankets are beautifully creative. They’re a wonderful craft idea because of their brightness and the skills you need to use. Well done, everyone.

    I also listened to The Tale Trail Audio Book while visiting Mrs’ Yollis’s class blog. I had enjoyed reading each chapter of the story but to hear it read by all classes made the experience all the more interesting.

    Enjoy your summer vacation. 🙂

    Teacher, NSW, Australia

  4. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3
    The button blankets look fabulous and the felt animals certainly look like the animals you chose to do. I think your blankets will be treasures for years to come!

    I know that you finish your school year this week, so I hope you all have a wonderful summer and we hope to catch up with some of you again in your new school year.
    We also have a term break starting at the end of this week, but it’s only for a fortnight 🙁

    It’s been lovely working on projects with you all.

    Mrs McKenzie and B4

    • Dear Mrs.McKenzie and B4,
      My button blanket was one of the small ones at very botton of the button blanket. Have you made button blankets before?


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