Mr. Child’s Return!

We would like to say Gilakas’la (thank you) to Mr. Child and his daughters for visiting our school last week. We have fond memories of their last visit and were very excited to welcome them to our school again.

Mr. Child and his daughters came to teach us about button blankets and to share the many beautiful blankets that belong to his family. Mr. Child taught as about the different symbols on the blankets, how they are made, and the special stories and traditions that are attached to them.

After lunch we all went down to the gym and got to learn more about the blankets, masks, and drums that Mr. Child brought with him. We got to pass the masks, drums, and regalia around for each student to touch. Mr. Child also told us some amazing stories that went with the masks he brought over. We especially liked the stories about Tsonokwa (Dzoo-noo-kwa), the Wild Woman of the Woods.

To wrap up a wonderful afternoon Mr. Child played one of his drums and sang a special thank you song for us. Then we all danced two dances together in a circle.

What an amazing day! Here are a few of our favourite parts:

Bradley-I like the button blankets and the masks.
Lily-I liked it when we were dancing around in the circle.
Sharon-When we were talking about carving it reminded me of my dad doing frog carvings.
Karin-I got to be partners with one of Caleb’s daughters, named Mariah.
Kennedy-At lunch, Natalya and Kiara told me about the dance we did.
Ana-At lunch I was showing the girls around the forest.
Jacob-I loved the button blankets. They were so cool. The button blanket with the eagle done in sequins was my favourite.
Solomon-I liked the story that Mr. Child told about the Tsonokwa (Dzoo-noo-kwa), the Wild Woman of the Woods.
Gwen-I liked how the blankets were all designed with the buttons and I liked the masks.
Sophie-I am part aboriginal, but I didn’t understand most of the kwakwala.
Quang-I liked the rattles because they have nice pictures on them.

We hope that Mr. Child, Mariah, Natalya, and Kiara will come back again soon!

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