Welcome Quad Blogging Buddies!

Last year we tried Quad Blogging for the first time and had such a wonderful experience that we couldn’t wait to give it a try again this year.
Quad Blogging was first thought of by Mr. Mitchell. It is where four classes form a partnership and spend time getting to know each other better through their blogs. Each class has a week to be featured and the other classes spend some time visiting that blog to learn more about that class, their school, and their community.

We will be teaming up with our Quad Blogging buddies from last year, starting this week!

Here is the schedule for our Quad Blogging:
* April 22nd – April 28th – Mrs. Watson’s 2/3 Class (British Columbia, Canada)
* April 29th-May 5th – Mrs. Ranney’s Class Blog (California, USA)
* May 6th – May 12th 2DD and 2MD Class Blog (Leopold, Australia)
* May 13th-May 19th – Mr. Avery’s Classroom Blog (Massachusetts, USA)

We are very excited to start things off and we hope you will have fun looking around our blog.  Here are a few posts that you might want to visit:

Spring Chickens
The Science Fair
New Friends

Look for a post all about our favourite spots in Sointula coming soon!

7 thoughts on “Welcome Quad Blogging Buddies!

  1. Dear Mrs Watson and class,

    I am from 4KJ, Australia.

    What a great post! I enjoyed reading it and finding out who you are quad blogging with. Last year I was in 3DD and 3DD did quad blogging with you guys, Mr Avery’s class and Mrs Ranny’s class. It was fun. Mr. Mitchell did a great job at coming up with such a fabulous idea, and now look at his idea, basically everyone knows about it.

    Quad blogging is great because each week that you do quad blogging you get to learn somethings about another class. By the end of the year you will know heaps about 3DD, Mrs Ranny’s class and Mr Avery’s class.

    What do you like about quad blogging?


    • Dear Skye,
      I am so happy to know that you enjoyed our post we tried very hard to make it perfect for our Quad Blogging Buddies, like you. That is where I remember you from last years Quad blogging. I agree with you he was being super smart. The thing I like about Quad Blogging is that you get to make new friends and learn about them.

      Best Wishes,
      Kennedy <3

  2. Dear Mrs. Watson’s class,
    I am from Mr.Avery’s Classroom Blog,
    I am so looking forward to Quad Blogging with your class and all the other classes. It will be so much fun! I have never done anything like this before so it will be a new experience for me. Hopefully we will be skyping too! I know that it will be a lot of fun. Happy Blogging!

    your blogging buddy Will G.

    • Dear Will G,
      I’ve never quad blogged before. I hope you have fun. I wonder if we’ll ever get to Skype because if we do you will probably get to see me asking you a question. I can’t it will work with our time zones. We we Skyped with Japan we had to come back to school at night.


  3. Dear Mrs. Watson and class,

    I am from Mr. Avery’s 6th grade class, and I am excited that we’re doing quad blogging together! I’m sure it will be lots of fun 🙂 I’ve never done quad blogging or anything like this before so it will be a new experience for me and most others in the grade/class. This is a great post! It was nice to learn and read about the others we are quad blogging with! Hope you have a great day 🙂

    Sincerely Your Blogging Buddy,

    • Dear Alyxandra
      I am in 3rd grade. I did quad blogging last year, it is really fun. If you like writting comments and replying to them you will love quad blogging. You make new friends, Meet new people, and learn new things.
      Your blogging buddy,
      (From Mrs Watson’s class)

  4. Dear Mrs. Watson,
    I am from Mr. Avery’s class
    I think the quad blogging buddies idea is amazing, and that more people should do it. I hope Mrs. Watson gets lots of comments, I just enjoy people sharing their thoughts on an idea. If the comment is negative, (saying mean things) Then you can look at that section and see if their are things to improve, if not, then you are good.

    Your blogging buddy, Wes

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