Spring Chickens

Spring is definitely in the air! There were some strange characters wandering around the classroom and the hall this week. We would like to introduce our spring chickens…take it away grade 2/3s!

2 thoughts on “Spring Chickens

  1. Dare Mrs.Watson’s 2/3 class,
    you’r spring chickens are so amazing.
    I am in a 2/3 grade class too but I am in 3rd grade,
    and I have a blog just go on Mrs. Adair’s 2nd and 3rd Grade blog
    and then it will have student blogs on the side and if you see Yana’s fancy blog
    then that’s mine you can go on all of those’s blog’s. 🙂
    From:Yana 🙂

  2. You guys have some really cool chickens in your classroom. I didn’t know that they liked to eat such a variety of foods!

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