Real Snow!

After dreaming about snow for weeks and weeks, we finally got some this weekend!

Monday was an In-Service day and so the students had an extra day to enjoy the snow.  Here’s what they did:

Gwen-Trista and I were playing out in the snow with our sleds. We went down a big hill and crashed into the bush.
Trista-I liked it when Silkence, Gwen, Spencer, and I went down the little hill and we kept crashing into each other.
Ana-At Mt. Cain we went for a big snowshoe. It was only my family and my dog. We walked for about 3 hours!
Quang-I liked when Micheal gave me a turn on the sled. I slid down the hill very fast into the bushes!
Brooklynn-Sierra and I built a snowman and we put a real carrot on for the nose. The nose is frozen into his head.
Sharon-Bessy, Molly, and I built a little snowman and then we made it bigger and bigger and bigger!
Karin-Sahara and I went sledding on the back roads with my GT Racer (a type of sled) and her garbage can lid sled. We crashed on the GT Racer and we thought that it was awesome.
Mia-At my house there was 3 inches of snow!
Sophie-I jumped off my tree fort into the snow.
Solomon-I went up to Mt. Cain and I went skiing. There was a lot of snow and I had to dig my sleds out.
Kennedy-My favourite part was when my little sister and I were hiding. When our Auntie Aleasha pulled in the driveway and got out of the car we attacked her with snowballs.
Bradley-I made a big snowball. It was too heavy for me!
Jacob-I made a snow boy. I couldn’t make his head because it was too hard. So I broke him down and stopped.
Lily-I enjoyed the snow through the window.

We also got to enjoy the snow at recess today.  It is snowing right now, but very lightly.  It is also MUCH colder than usual for Sointula.  It is currently -8° C and we are expecting lows down to -19°C with the windchill.


10 thoughts on “Real Snow!

  1. Snow is so exciting, we had a little a few weeks back, but it’s not a snow year so far. I had never heard of “going for a ‘snowshoe'”before. I like that phrase.
    We hope that you get a few more inches before it melts. Coincidently we had -8c at night two days ago, but the temperature has gone back up to around 7c. We are thousands of miles apart but there are some real similarities.

    Mr E

    • Dear Mr. E,
      Thank you for leaving us a comment. Snow really is exciting and fun! It is great that you got a little snow. How much did you get? Was it enough to make a snowman?

      Ana loves snowshoeing. She said that the snowshoes make it feel like you are floating on the snow. Has anyone at your school been snowshoeing before? Only 5 students in our class have tried it, but everyone would like to give it a go.

      Last night it got even colder and today it is -13c with the windchill. We all had very rosy cheeks when we came inside.

      We hope you get more snow soon!

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  2. Dear Mrs Watson and Grade 2/3
    Wow, -8˚C is very cold, and to think it might get colder!
    The B4 children would be very jealous, but they are still enjoying their summer holidays and swimming, so I can’t show them your video.
    I think that it would be great fun sliding down that hill!

    Do your mums and dads love the snow as much as you, or does it make their lives even busier?
    ☃ ☃ ☃ ☃ ☃ ☃ ☃ ☃ ☃
    from Mrs McKenzie

    • Dear Mrs. McKenzie,
      Thank you for leaving us a comment. It sure is feeling pretty cold the last few days. Quite a few people have colds and sniffles right now, but we are all having fun outside as long as we bundle up.

      Almost all the moms and dads in our class are enjoying the snow too! We have been sledding, having snowball fights, making snow angels, building snowmen, and making igloos (pretty small though) with our families the last few days.

      We hope you are all enjoying your summer vacation! How hot is it there right now?

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  3. I enjoyed watching your video about the snow. There is lots of snow at Mt. Cain where we all went for a family snowshoe. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of our adventure on Ana’s blog soon!

  4. SNOW how exciting. First you do a project with the book Dream Snow then you get real snow. It’s really cold there and we think it would be fun! We’ve had rain and chilly temperatures but no snow except in the mountains. We live in the Piedmont area so we don’t get as much snow but when we do we get all excited. It’s suppose to be in the 60’s that’s F this week during the day so we know we won’t get any this week. It thundered the other night and they have a saying that if it does that in the winter then in 10 days you’ll get snow. We are waiting to see if that’s true. What do you think?
    Do you have sleds or sleighs to ride on when it snows? Do you like snowboarding or skiing? Do you wear snow boots? Are there hills or really big mountains to come down? How long does the snow stay on the ground? Ours usually melts quickly because the ground isn’t as cold. Once in a while it stays on a few days.

    Are you ever out because it snows to much to go to school? It can snow an inch or two and we get out because they aren’t as prepared to deal with bad winter weather and the roads.
    Mrs. Todd told us that when she was little in 1960’s in the mountain area of Virginia that it snowed at her home enough for several weeks that school was out a lot and they went to school on several Saturdays to make up the lost school days but they don’t get that much snow during the season now. We wonder why the weather changed over the years like that? Did they get more snow 50/60 years ago then today? If so , why was there a change?

    • Dear Roadrunners,
      Thank you so much for leaving us a comment. Sorry that it has taken us so long to reply. Our SmartBoard has died and so we aren’t able to stay on top of our blog as easily as we usually are. Luckily we have a projector that we can use now and so we will be able to get caught up this week.

      We are wondering if the prediction of snow after the thunder came true. We don’t get snow very often either and we also don’t get thunder or lightening very often.

      Many of the students in our class have sleds and some of us get to go the Mt. Cain ( a ferry ride and an hour drive away) to go skiing or snowboarding with our families on the weekend. Ana gets to go almost every weekend. You can see a great slide show of her snowshoeing adventure on her blog . We don’t have any big mountains here in Sointula, but we do have a few good hills we can sled on if we get snow. Most of us have snow boots, but we definitely get more use out of our rubber boots. It rains a lot here!

      Every once in a while we have a snow day, but it doesn’t happen very often. We sometimes miss school because of power outages though. It is very windy here sometimes and because we are on an island it can sometimes take Hydro a fair bit of time to come and fix the problem.

      Mrs. Watson remembers there being more snow when she was little too. You’ve given us something to think about 🙂

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

  5. I really enjoyed the snow too, but it was sure cold travelling on the ferry to work every morning. Brrrrrrr… I am glad we got some snow for you guys to enjoy.

  6. Dear Mrs. Watson and 2/3 class,

    I absolutely L♥VE your post! I sadly don’t live in the snow. 🙁 I wish I did though! I have only been in the snow once. It was a lot of fun, in fact it was so much fun that we are thinking of buying a second house! We don’t know where yet.

    • I really want to know how you and your class think the snow feels?

    • Would you rather it be warm or COLD?

    • What is some of your favorite things to do in the snow?

    • Do you bring your own sleds to school, or does your school provide them?

    • If you have snow, why don’t you have a snow day?

    • Do you like swimming or playing in the snow better?

    Mrs. Yollis’ student

    • Dear Sasha,
      Thank you for your fantastic comment and all of your great questions! If you do get your second house we think it would be really nice having one house where it is warm and one where it is cold. You would have the best of both worlds!

      We’ll try to answer some of your questions:
      • I really want to know how you and your class think the snow feels?
      Sophie says the snow sometimes feels squishy. Kennedy thinks the snow feels powdery and soft. Trista says that sometimes it feels like the ice that forms on the inside of your freezer. Karin says that snow feels good!

      • Would you rather it be warm or COLD?
      8 people in our class voted for warm and 4 people voted for cold. How would your class vote?

      • What is some of your favorite things to do in the snow?
      Here are some of our favourite things: making snowmen, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, jumping in it, snowball fights, making igloos, and making snow angels. What did you do in the snow the one time you played in it?

      • Do you bring your own sleds to school, or does your school provide them?
      We bring our own sleds to school and everyone is really good about sharing with those who don’t have one.

      • If you have snow, why don’t you have a snow day?
      We didn’t have enough snow for a snow day. Every once in a long while we do get a snow day though if it really snows a lot.

      • Do you like swimming or playing in the snow better?
      7 people in our class voted for swimming and the other 5 voted for playing in the snow.

      We hope that you get to play in the snow again soon!

      Your friends,
      Mrs. W and the 2/3s

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