
Last week we tried our hands at writing some similies. We have been working on descriptive writing and had a lot of fun with this activity. We hope you like them!

Do you have a favourite simile?

8 thoughts on “Similies

  1. Hi Mrs. Watson’s 2/3 Class,
    I loved your similes they really helped me create a picture in my mind about how cold, hot, slimy etc. something was. As I was preparing something for my class today I came across a simile that I thought I’d share with you:
    – I pulled up my hood when the rain fell like bullets.

    Do you like it? Does it give you a picture in your mind of what the rain must have been like?

    Miss. Leakey

  2. Dear Mrs. Watson’s 2/3 Class,

    I really enjoyed your similes and the excellent drawings that went with them. Similes are a great way to add descriptions to your writing. I don’t think I can pick a favorite one because they were all so good, but I did like the ones about the sun and the lava. We have had such a cold, snowy winter that I could really use a little heat right now. Maybe not as hot as lava though…
    In fact, when I walked to my car the parking lot was as slippery as a glistening ice-skating rink.

    Mr. Salsich

  3. Mrs. Watson’s Class,

    Your similes are excellent. I love writing. I teach my students about metaphors and similes from a book called Spilling Ink, A Young Writer’s Handbook. The authors are very friendly and love hearing from kids. Here’s there web site:

    I teach in Texas. My third graders are also working on metaphors and similes. We love when one thing “shapeshifts” into another.

    Which would you prefer on your team?
    A football player who hits like a tiger? OR A soccer player who moves like a turtle?

    🙂 Mrs. Kistler

  4. Dear Miss Leakey,

    We really liked your simile! We get rain like that a lot here. We live in a temperate rainforest and so we get rain, rain, and more RAIN!

    Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  5. Dear Mrs. McKenzie,

    We think it is so cool that your whole comment was a simile! Welcome back to school. We can’t wait to chat with you and your class 🙂

    Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  6. Dear Mr. Salsich,
    Wow! It sure must be cold for you there. We loved your simile and could picture you slip sliding to your car. We hope it will warm up for you, but not as hot as lava! You could send a bit of the cold weather our way. We would love another snow day.

    Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

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