6 thoughts on “Skating Fun

  1. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3
    Wow, what a lot of fun.
    Some of you looked as though you were really getting the hang of it.

    I have only been ice-skating once in my life, when we went on a family holiday to Queenstown, NZ.
    My girls were about your age then, and they skated very confidently, but I had to hang on to the wall for a very long time before I was brave enough to try going further!

    In the winter of 2001 our river started to freeze up at the sides, but it was never firm enough to walk on.

    We are still on our summer holiday until February 1, so I hope my students are doing lots of swimming and playing with their friends.

    from Mrs McKenzie

  2. Happy New Year Everyone!
    Fantastic – this looks fun! Do you have an ice rink on your island or did you have to go on the ferry to get there? We don’t have any ice rinks in Shetland and would have to go to mainland Scotland to skate. Some of our oldest pupils will be going to Edinburgh (Scotland’s capital city) in the summer for a few days and they will get a chance to go the the ice rink in Dundee on their way home.

  3. Dear Mrs. McKenzie,

    It is great to hear from you! We had a lot of fun skating. Most of us don’t get to go skating very often because we have to travel to the next town on the ferry to get to the arena. A few of us hung on to the boards just like you did!

    We hope you are having a great summer break!

    Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  4. Dear Mrs. Breyley,

    Happy New Year to you too! We don’t have an ice rink where we live either. We took the ferry to go skating. Have you ever been skating before?

    Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  5. Hi everyone
    I went when I was in Canada a long time ago – I went to Red Deer in Alberta on a teacher exchange for a few weeks – I wasn’t very good but got taken to a very exciting ice hockey game! We had enough ice on our playground for skating today but it would have been a bit dangerous so we had indoor playtime instead!

  6. I love to ice skate too! I even take lessons at vets pool (you havent heard of it vets pool is in Ann Arbor). This year I almost skipped them because my mom didn’t want me to take them (other activities) I got her to sign me up at another place.

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