10 thoughts on “Let it Snow!

  1. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3
    How exciting to have snow already! ☀ ☀ We didn’t get snow on the ground in Reefton this winter, although it did reach the low hills around us.
    We are having quite a warm November, and you must be having a colder November than usual. ☀ ☀ Let it snow!

    from Mrs M♔K

    • Dear Mrs. McKenzie,
      We are setting records for how cold this November is. I heard on the news tonight that this is the coldest November 23rd in recorded history. I think it got as low as -8 which is way colder than it usually gets here. It started snowing really fine snow this afternoon and is still going. Hoping we get a good dump for the weekend 🙂

      Mrs. W

  2. Dear Mrs W and Grade 2/3,
    Snow!! It must be cold already for you. It was 29 degrees Celsius here yesterday and today will be a similar temperature.
    We never get snow here. Many of our students only know about snow from TV or books.
    We hope that you are able to get out in the snow and have fun.

    from Mrs W and P-1

    • Dear Mrs. W and P-1,
      We are hoping for some more snow because we seldom get any. It started snowing again this afternoon, but very fine so it is not adding up to much. We wish we could send some snow your way!

      Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  3. Dear Mrs Watson and the 2/3s,

    Wow, what an exciting day for you! I ♥ the video of you all playing in the snow, I couldn’t get the smile off my face as I watched it! 🙂

    It is another lovely, warm, sunny day here in Victoria, Australia. Some people got sunburnt on the weekend because it was so sunny.

    Enjoy the snow!

    Your friend,
    Miss Jordan

    • Dear Miss Jordan,
      We all smile when we watch the video too 🙂 Snow really is a treat for us…now if we could just get a good dump for the weekend. The students would love to do some sledding and build snowmen and forts.

      Hope you are all staying safe in the sun 🙂

      Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

    • Hi Tyla,
      Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! The snow that we got the other day was perfect for making snowballs and snowmen. Sometimes the snow is too wet and slushy or too dry and then it won’t pack together. To make the big snowballs for the snowmen the students just started with a small snowball and then rolled it along the ground. As it rolled it picked up snow and just got bigger and bigger. When they got really big several students had to help roll them because they were so heavy!

      We wish your class could be here to play in the snow with us!

      Mrs. W and the 2/3’s

  4. Dear.Mrs.Wotson’s class
    I love the snow I play in it every day when it is here
    I’m trying yo not waste any time in the snow

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