Student Bloggers Coming Soon!

Next week the grade 2/3/4s will be starting their own blogs. There has been a lot to do to get ready. We started by looking at blog posts and brainstorming what makes a good post. Here is the criteria we came up with:


We will use this criteria as we work on our own blogs to make sure we are writing quality posts.

Next we talked about commenting and constructed criteria for a good comment. We discussed Dead End comments (those that end the conversation, like “I like your post.”) and Highway comments (those that keep the conversation going). Here is the criteria we came up with for a quality comment:


We also spent time discussing internet safety. The students know that they should never share their YAPPY.

Y-your full name
P-phone number
Y-your plans

So that we could practice our blogging skills we started with paper blogging. Each student wrote a blog post on paper and then we used post-it notes to leave “Highway” comments for each other.



Tomorrow we will begin setting up our blogs and you should see posts in the very near future! Do you have a blog?

One thought on “Student Bloggers Coming Soon!

  1. Ryan,
    My class in Canada, has a blog to and I think it is a great idea to let the students blog. It would help the students improve there spelling punctuation and be good for school protects. what grade is your class?

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